Sunday, June 24, 2012

Curriculum Vitae... Harriett Gilbert's own choice on A Good Read on BBC Radio4, Tuesday 26 June at 4.30 pm.

Saturday, June 09, 2012

And on a slightly different note...

...John Lydon (aka Johnny Rotten) says in this interview that his favourite book is The Public Image by Muriel Spark - a much less well known book than The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie but worth a look?

 Available second-hand from

Going to the pictures: Scotland at the Cinema

copyright 1969 20th Century-Fox
The National Library of Scotland are running an exhibition - Scotland at the Cinema - from 15 June until 28 October which celebrates the experience of 'going to the pictures' in Scotland since the late 19th Century... which will  include that famous film The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie....