Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Angus P Collins 1943-2019

It is with sadness we announce the passing of Angus Collins. Angus’s course on Muriel Spark is the context out of which the Society grew. He inspired our founder, Christine Lloyd, and encouraged her to write to Spark to gain her blessing for the formation of a society in her name. He worked on the Committee, led book groups with quiet precision, and co-edited our newsletter. Many members will have happy memories of him.
The Chairman attended the funeral at the invitation of his widow, Hiromi.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Janice Galloway gives our annual lecture 12 November 2019

Janice Galloway delivered a fresh, detailed and unique perspective on Muriel Spark at the National Library of Scotland this week. The event was booked out, and informed questions taken at the end. She spoke about meetings with Spark, Spark's works and life. All was engagingly illustrated with colourful slides and a sound excerpt form an interview. Great to hear Muriel's voice once again.

Monday, November 04, 2019

Agnes Crawford in Venice ...

Check out Rome specialist Agnes Crawford on Venice. Wonderful images and insights.